Friday 10 January 2020

Don't Be Afraid of Wine, Let it Make You Smile

Lot's of people are afraid of drinking red wine because they think it will turn their teeth purple. Poppycock!


Then shortly afterward, I came across some brand new research that shows how red wine can prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

That’s important because gum disease is a serious condition. It starts with simple plaque. But as it builds up on teeth it creates a breeding ground for bacteria. The bacteria trigger inflammation. That leads to the red, swollen and bleeding gums of gingivitis.

Left untreated, gingivitis can turn into periodontal disease. The gums pull back from the roots of teeth. Infection attacks the tissue that holds teeth to the jawbone. Teeth start to come loose and fall out.

This breakdown of your gums also allows bacteria to pass into your bloodstream. Studies show the same bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease also damage the lining of blood vessels.

Red wine can help put the brakes on that whole disease process…

A new study in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry found that red wine contains two plant compounds called caffeic and p-coumaric acids.

These polyphenols are powerful antioxidants. They reduce the stickiness of harmful bacteria in your mouth. They stop the bacteria from hitching a rIde on your teeth and gums. That can stop the formation of dental plaque, cavities and gum disease.

While you're enjoying your wine, get some rays!


Load up on vitamin D3. When was the last time you heard your dentist recommend you take vitamin D to protect your dental health?

Probably never. Yet high blood levels of anti-inflammatory vitamin D3 can decrease your chances of developing gingivitis and periodontal disease.

A large study found that folks with the highest D levels had the lowest risk of periodontal disease — especially those over age 50. It also found that people who got the most vitamin D from their food were less likely to bleed when their gums were poked and prodded by a dentist.

Your best source of vitamin D is the sun. I recommend getting between 10 and 20 minutes of sunshine every day. But you can also get D through your diet and supplements.

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